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International Competitions

LIVORNO in DANZA is one of the flagships of Areadanza, which has always taken care of its organization. Although it was born in 2011, it soon established itself internationally, becoming one of the most anticipated dance events worldwide. To say this are the numbers, constantly growing year by year, which see about 850 dancers from all over the world participate: a little all over Europe, but also Russia, Japan, USA, Mexico, Belarus, India, Brazil, Argentina, Philippines and more. still. 

During the 3 days of the event, masterclasses, auditions, Classical and Contemporary Dance Competitions but also of Choreographic Research are proposed, an authentic showcase for the work of teachers and choreographers, who thus have the opportunity to show their style, their ideas and their inventiveness and originality.

Thanks to the very important collaborations with many international centers of excellence in the training of dancers, with LIVORNO in DANZA the possibility of living an unforgettable experience is offered, as well as the possibility of being included in the professional training courses of these centers, where you can also find job opportunities.

We look forward to seeing you at LIVORNO in DANZA  


For information :  -

Piccoli Talenti concorso di danza per i più piccoli

Competition for Under 14 dancers

SMALL TALENTS is a little bit the new challenge launched by Areadanza. Fruit of the experience gained in the organization of Livorno in Danza, PICCOLI TALENTI wants to give space to the little ones, to those who will be the stars of tomorrow. The age groups allowed are between 6 and 14 years, divided into Baby, Children and Junior. The categories include Classical Dance, Modern-Contemporary and Hip-Hop. The jury is chosen in such a way as to guarantee the ability to understand and evaluate the work of children in the complex reality of amateur schools.


For information :  -

Valencia Danza concurso danza clasica, contemporaneo, hip-hop, danza española

International Competition

A dance competition that takes place in Chiva, near Valencia (Spain), of which Areadanza is a proud partner. The competition includes the categories of Classical, Modern-Contemporary, Hip-Hop and Spanish Dance, with the opportunity to participate in masterclasses.

For information  -

Danzando concurso de danza en Madrid. Danza clasica, contemporaneo, hip-hop, danza española

Concurso de Danza

Un concorso di Danza che si svolge a Madrid (Spagna), di cui Areadanza è orgogliosamente partner. Il Concorso prevede le categorie di danza Classica, Modern-Contemporaneo, Hip-Hop e Danza Spagnola, con l'opportunità di partecipare alle masterclass.

Per informazioni  -

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Concurso de Danza

Un concorso di Danza che si svolge a Santiago de Compostela (Spagna), di cui Areadanza è orgogliosamente partner. Il Concorso prevede le categorie di danza Classica, Modern-Contemporaneo ed Hip-Hop.

Per informazioni  -

via Ferraris 4H, 57124 Livorno (Italy)  - tel. +39 0586 854000 -


Areadanza is a ssd a rl affiliated with CONI. All advertising activities are aimed at the promotion and dissemination of dance 

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